1. I'm not a student or faculty member at METU. Can I still make an appointment?

Unfortunately, no. Currently, we only serve METU students and staff. 

2. How often can I schedule an appointment?

You can schedule one session per week by using our online appointment system, but if you need more than one session during the same week, please send us an e-mail to ask for our tutors' availability.

3. Do I need to send you my paper before the session takes place?

No, please don't. Our tutors only work with you on your paper during the sessions, not before or after. 

4. Can I work with the same tutor?

Well, you may, but our policy is that the same tutor should not be assigned to the same tutee on consecutive appointments. As writer autonomy is of utmost importance, dependence on any specific tutor is not encouraged. Also, it is best for the tutee to benefit from the perspectives of different tutors.

5. Do I need to pay for the tutorials?

No, you don't. The tutorials are free of charge. It is a service offered to the METU community through the courtesy of the School of Foreign Languages.

6. How much material can we cover during one tutorial?

We aim for quality rather than quantity. That is, our primary objective is not extensive coverage of any material. A tutor may deal with a single paragraph, yet cover such serious issues as organization and referencing. In brief, the degree of awareness a tutee has gained, not the number of pages covered, determines how worthwhile a tutorial has been.

Last Updated:
21/02/2024 - 01:16